Is there always a need to use the second MTP kit for abortion?

Women are recommended to make use of online Abortion Pills when it comes to abortion. Simply choosing the tablets and get rid of gestation is not possible. Women need to follow certain things that can help them achieve successful results of abortion. It is guided to simply start with confirming the gestation and end on concluding the gestation. 

This blog can help you understand the right process to be followed during an abortion and the need to use the second MTP kit.

Confirming the gestation

Unless you do know you’re pregnant or not, you cannot choose to decide about it. Women simply need to know that they do confirm the pregnancy. Women are guided to simply check under the supervision of health care providers regarding the gestation. Once you confirm the gestation and know about the gestation period, you can simply choose to decide about the pregnancy. 

Deciding the method

Women having gestation can simply choose between medical and surgical abortion depending upon the gestation. Women with a gestation of up to 9 weeks can simply choose to make use of medical abortion and women with a gestation of more than 9 weeks are guided to undergo a surgical abortion. 

If you cannot arrive at any decision, your gynecologist can help you choose the right method to get the pregnancy terminated.


Women recommended having an abortion are guided to use the MTP kit. The use of the kit helps women to get rid of the gestation in an easy manner. The use of the Mifepristone from the kit helps to block the growth of the progesterone hormones in the body. The use of the MTP kit helps you save some pennies as it contains both the tablets. After making use of Mifepristone from the MTP kit, women are recommended to use Misoprostol from the MTP kit. The use of a Misoprostol pill from the kit helps to cause contraction to the uterus and flush the pregnancy parts from the body. 


The use of the MTP kit causes abortion and the whole process takes a time of 14-20 days to get completed. The expelling of the pregnancy parts takes time of 2 days and further women may continue to bleed for 14-20 days. The conclusion of pregnancy is important so that it can help one to know whether the pregnancy parts have been flushed completely or not. 

Need to use MTP kit

Women are guided to use two kits at times. It is not mandatory for women to always use 2 MTP kit. The use of 1 kit is enough if you properly use the termination tablets or if the gestation is within 9 weeks. 

In the case of incomplete abortion, women are recommended to repeat the dose of Abortion Pills. 

2 MTP kit is also at times recommended if your gestation is more than 9 weeks. Though after 9 weeks you cannot buy MTP kit online and are supposed to undergo a surgical abortion. Women are guided that they do use the MTP kit only after consulting the health care provider.

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