4 Step Guide To Terminate A Pregnancy During This COVID Situation

The COVID-19 situation has changed our lifestyle and also health care services. During this pandemic, the women who are pregnant are guided to take precautions that can help them avoid contacting the infection to the child. While there are women continuing with precautions, some do not want to go ahead with the pregnancy due to many reasons and do end up choosing online Abortion Pills from online pharmacy sites OnlineGenericPillrx.com site. 

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is a smooth process performed with the help of two types of tablets- Mifepristone and Misoprostol Abortion Pills. The treatment for abortion begins only if the gestation is within 9 weeks. 

As mentioned the two tablets help to abort the gestation and the below-mentioned process is to be followed:

  • Starting with Mifepristone 200mg Abortion pill with a glass of water and this primary tablet is responsible for blocking the progesterone hormones that help to cause separation of the fetal particles from the wall of the womb.
  • The second medication, Cytotec 200mcg pregnancy termination pill or Misoprostol 200mcg is responsible for causing contraction and softening the cervix to get the pregnancy parts flushed out from the uterus. After the administration of this secondary tablet, experiencing bleeding and cramping is common.

Below mentioned is your 4 step guide that can help you get the pregnancy terminated:

Call the advice line (+1-800-704-2951)

Women having unexpected gestation are likely to have mixed feelings and it is necessary that you must have someone to guide you. After you come across the positive pregnancy test, call our advice line, and know the available options. This is the best option as you’ll get to know about the pregnancy and the things that you need to take care about. 

During this telephone consultation, you can come to know about the options you have and how is home abortion reliable for you. 

Get your telephonic consultation booked

It becomes necessary that you’re guided properly about the treatment and other things. Hence, women who opt to have a home abortion or medical abortion need to book a telephonic consultation wherein a nurse contacts you and guide you about the treatment, the contraceptive that is to be used. Also, if you have any queries, you can seek help during this time and get the queries sorted.

Receiving the medical abortion pack

Once you have a consultation, you’re provided with an option whether you will go to the clinic to get the tablets or the tablets are delivered to you.

  • The pack will contain two types of tablets as mentioned, Mifepristone and Cytotec pill online.
  • The leaflet containing all the information regarding the pills and process will come with it. 
  • Also, an aftercare booklet and encounter tablets for pain relief will be provided.

Why medical abortion or home abortion is has given so much preference?

Home abortion or medical abortion using online MTP Kit Abortion pills is an option provided to women who do not want to let anyone know about the gestation. Also, other than privacy, the burden of seeking the tablets handy gets easy. Women also do not have to worry about the cost as this is one of the effective methods to get of gestation. Purchasing Cytotec tablets is one of the best choices that help women to get the pregnancy terminated at fingertips.

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