Dilation and curettage- before and after the process

Though pregnancy is a beautiful stage if carried to the full term, sometimes it can be disturbing if it is undesired. Women with unwished gestation if come across the pregnancy during the initial level then can simply buy online abortion pills. If the gestation period goes beyond the suggested period, women need to undergo a surgical abortion. As soon as the pregnancy begins to grow further from 10 weeks, women are either recommended to use D&E or D&C. 

D&C is a dilation and curettage process wherein the tissues are removed from the uterus. Also, sometimes this process is conducted if you have a miscarriage or heavy bleeding. The whole process is simply defined by the terms. The process begins by dilating your cervix so that it can get open. Further, the instruments called a curette is used to remove the uterine tissues. 

Sounds frightening?

These are the reasons, women are recommended to keep a track of the menstrual periods. Women with the gestation of up to 9 weeks can simply choose to buy Cytotec tablets and get rid of gestation at home corners

Why is it done?

This is a method to diagnose or treat the uterine conditions in women. Below mentioned are the reasons behind the diagnosis.

  • You have abnormal endometrial cells that test for cervical cancer. 
  • Heavy bleeding after menopause
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

Treating conditions

When performing a therapeutic D&C, the health care provider removes the contents from the uterus. Your health care provider may use this method for:

  • Removing cervical or uterine polyps.
  • Removing the molar pregnancy (the tumor is formed instead of normal pregnancy)
  • After a miscarriage, clearing the uterus or preventing infection or heavy bleeding. 

How are you prepared for the D&C process?

Dilation and curettage are performed in the clinics. The patients are first given the instructions, and then the method is performed. 

Before the process

  1. Do limit the consumption of food or drink
  2. After the process, you might be drowsy and hence are recommended to have someone by your side.
  3. Ensure that you do have a whole day. This will allow you to rest for a good time. 

In some of the cases, the health care provider may start the process even before the surgery. This is done so that it can help to dilate the cervix and reach the uterus properly. Sometimes, the health care provider even suggests women order Cytotec tablets. Sometimes a slender rod made of Laminaria is inserted so that the cervix expands after the fluids are absorbed. 

During the process

During the process, anesthesia is given depending upon the cause of the medical condition and medical history you have. General anesthesia is given so that it can make you unconscious and unable to feel the pain. Some other anesthesia is used to only numb the specific areas of your body. 

  • While you’re undergoing the process, you’re recommended to lie on an examination table and rest the heels on stirrups.
  • To inspect the cervix, your health care provider inserts speculum in the vagina. 
  • A series of thicker rods are inserted to slow down the dilation process of the cervix.
  • Once enough of dilation is caused, the doctor removes the dilation rods and inserts the spoon-shaped instruments that help to remove the tissues from the body. 
  • This cannot be felt as you’re numbed. 

After the process

After the process, depending upon the reason the surgery is performed, the doctor might guide you to rest and keep a watch. If anesthesia is used vomit, or sometimes you might have a sore throat. 

Some side effects such as mild cramping or light bleeding are also experienced. 

Your health care provider will suggest all the required instructions that are to be taken care of.

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