Planning your diet when you’re a low body weight

Pregnancy is a sensitive topic and women need to learn deeply about it when they wish to conceive or just want to go ahead with the current pregnancy. Millions of women do choose to discontinue the pregnancy due to some or other issue, but this doesn’t mean every woman discontinues. Women who just want to end the pregnancy can buy Abortion Pills and get the pregnancy discontinued. Managing your pregnancy while you’re underweight should be managed well. 

There are millions of women who find issues such as being underweight or overweight and managing this problem during the first trimester is the only key. Well, most of the women during pregnancy are guided to gain weight and not shed. Some require to gain more weight while some require only limited weight to gain.

Weight during pregnancy

Women during pregnancy are recommended to gain 25-35 pounds. Usually, during the first trimester, women need to gain 2-4 pounds and then for the rest of the pregnancy 1 pound per week.

The amount of weight depends upon the situation and medical history of women.

  • If a woman is overweight, gaining 15-25 pounds is fine.
  • Women who are underweight need to gain more weight i.e. 28 to 40 pounds.
  • Women who carry more than a baby need to gain 37 to 54 pounds.

A balanced and nutrient-rich diet is mandatory to consume and this can be done under the supervision of a health care provider.

Managing weight during the pregnancy

Some women are already overweight, while some need to gain weight, and during pregnancy, gaining weight is a bit easy.

Either way, a pregnant woman needs to put on some weight, but this doesn’t mean, you need to stick to unhealthy methods. 

Women are also recommended to consume the right food and stay active. Not gaining enough weight means your baby might end up landing in a problem.

Below mentioned are few tips that you can consider and that healthy choice makes it easy for women to get some healthy weight.

  1. Eat bread, cereals, and crackers they are made of whole grains
  2. Ensure you intake, vegetables and fruits and they are full of vitamins and don’t contain fats. 
  3. Choose low-fat dairy products and look that you do only consume food that benefits you and not only makes you gain weight.

Food to avoid

  • Even during pregnancy, one needs to restrict the sweetened products. Food that contains artificial sweeteners should be restricted.
  • Avoid the intake of foods such as chips, cakes, cookies, and ice creams. This is something to avoid as this junk food only helps to worsen the sugar level in your body and not improve it. 
  • Intake only light fats and ensure that you do not consume fatty acid in huge quantities as this is likely to affect you negatively. 
  • Many foods contain artificial contents and hence, do check the label and this helps you avoid the consumption of sugar.

Dining out

Well, whether you’re overweight or are underweight, dining out is common. There are few things that you need to consider while you dine out and includes, 

  1. Avoid the fast-food
  2. Before you head to any restaurant, do check the menus and plan ahead for what to order. 
  3. Know the amounts of calories, salt, and fats added to your diet that help you eat healthier.

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