Abortion or termination is an end to already existing pregnancy with the help of surgery, drug or any other method. Before giving birth to the child a woman is pregnant with 9months.Before delivery, she can terminate her pregnancy at any stage. Termination at an early stage is safe and also affordable. Most of the women terminate their pregnancy at an early stage with the help of abortion pill kit. Women buy abortion pill kit at online stores as it helps them to keep their termination private.MTP Kit pill or abortion pill kit can be used only by the women who are pregnant for 10weeks or less. Even after 10weeks of pregnancy termination is possible with the help of surgery if the health conditions of women are favorable.


  • Before you buy MTP Kit pills you need to consult a doctor so that you can undergo some test like ultrasound, hormone and blood test.
  • If you are in taking Mifepristone and misoprostol pills then you need to check that your pregnancy is not ectopic.
  • You should not use this medication if you are above the age of 35years or if your pregnancy exceeds 10 weeks.
  • Medical abortion is only used if women are pregnant for 10weeks or less. As the pregnancy grows termination becomes complicated; it gets more complicated if the age of women exceeds 35year.
  • If a patient suffers heart, kidney, liver disease then this medication is not recommended.
  • Patients with diabetes, uterine infection, and hypertension should avoid using this medication.
  •   If you are consuming any of the other medication then you need to consult a doctor.
  • MTP Kit pill – Mifepristone and misoprostol are to be consumed one after the other.
  • The first pill in MTP kit which is Mifepristone helps to stop the growth of hormone which is responsible for pregnancy and breaks the lining of fetus whereas second pill misoprostol which is consumed after 24hours makes the women flush out the pregnancy parts through the vagina.
  • If you notice heavy bleeding or severe cramps or clots for more than prescribed time then you should ask your physician for help
  • After abortion two-week rest is recommended so that the healing process can get completed as soon as possible. Most of the women are asked to avoid physical labor so that the fetus gets stronger enough to carry baby in future.
  • It is very important to take a visit to a doctor at least twice after the abortion process. Check up is done after this process so that you come to know that no retained product of pregnancy is left in your body. If it happens you will need to consult a doctor to conduct a surgical abortion process.
  • Surgical abortions though take less time but it may sometimes lead to infection hence most women prefer using abortion pill kit.
  • Buying abortion pill kit online and making the termination privacy is not only the solution but consulting a doctor once is also important as much as privacy.

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